Lilly Meikle Art

Lilly Meikle initially studied film and photography in Brighton and then trained in art therapy on a post graduate course at Roehampton university in London, from which she graduates this summer. She had known she wanted to be an art therapist since she was a child, which is extraordinary, as it is quite an unusual calling. It is a thorough, rigorous training, of course, part of the course was to experiment as an artist in lots of media and through this process she discovered a love of abstract painting and a wonderful talent. Her art practice grew and now sits perfectly beside her studies as an art therapist.

She painted at home, at first, but it started to take over and she realised she needed to move out into a garden shed. However, she quickly grew out of that and now rents a studio in a nearby woodland setting.

I love her passionate, spontaneous mark-making, the organic forms she instinctively creates and, of course, the mouth watering colours.

Her work is predominantly about colour and translates very well into an interior setting. Lilly loves working with interior designers and is very happy working to commission, creating pieces for specific colour schemes.

She sells her dazzling abstract paintings through her website.

Please get in touch, if you feel one of her creations might work in your home. Sizes, framing options, and prices are all clearly marked, which is really helpful.


Mairi Helena


Stòr Living